Sunday, August 30, 2015

Don't Force It...Spandex Isn't For Everyone

So I agreed to post about women and spandex.  Talking to a friend of mine and talking about what she has seen even at the bar scenes had me cracking up. It would seem that there are a lot of women that "Didn't Get The Memo."   I know that since the inception of stretch pants, spandex has become the "norm" for all women.  However, not ALL women should be in spandex especially when your have a all of THAT showing.  Y'all know what I am talking about.

Yes spandex made it easier for some of those bodies to fit into a pair of leggings.  But your friend or man should have told you that when the material is stretched so far over all of everyone can see every crack (yes I said every crack) then that's just not a good look.  Worse still is the fact that many will wear tops that they "think" accentuates their dunk a dunk when in fact everyone is talking about it.  Here's the deal ladies, sometimes you have girlfriends that just won't tell you the truth. Rather than saying you need a longer top over that or better yet put on some real slacks, they will say, "Girl, that look fine."  That could be one of two reasons for that; either they want you to look like they are looking or they know that if you are looking ragged the men will look at her.  Just being real here.  Despite what you think, men appreciate "imagining" what they are gonna get, not seeing it out there and everybody else is looking at it.  f a man was going to "holla" at you, when he sees that he may just turn and run the other way.  So guess what, you just lost out!

Men you must be real with your woman.  If you have the least bit of respect for yourself, don't take your woman out with her girls all out. (Trust me if they are big enough, we can't miss them anyway) and for goodness sakes don't have everyone gawking over how your woman is indecently and inappropriately dressed.  They may not say anything to you, but how many times have I been in the company of couples and when one of the ladies excuses herself to go to the ladies room, the conversation starts up.  "Girl do you see what she has on? I would be caught dead in that!  ow did he let her come out her looking like that?"  This is from other plus size women.  ut guess what, when she returns, they just smile and act as if nothing is wrong.

You are probably saying how do I bring up the subject?  Well very delicately for sure, especially if it's someone that can't handle constructive feedback.  Has anyone tried send an anonymous note?  I don't know what the answer is but I do know that man will say to me, "Babe that's not a good look."  I may get pissed at him ...for the moment but I appreciate him telling me when I am around others and they are getting the "look."

What happened to women dressing grown and sexy without trying to compete for someone their children's age.  All clothing is not made for every body type.  Hey as much as I wanted to wear "skinny jeans" I don't have a skinny jeans body.  So I passed on that!  Please don't tell me that they didn't have it in a larger size.  The amount of money you spent for the outfit, they had a larger size of it wasn't for you to get that outfit on that day.  By the way this goes for smaller frames as well.  Sometimes your stuff is so tight till you might as well not have anything on.  Get a larger size, the right size and be comfortable.  Besides baking brad in those tight pants isn't good at all!  What's baking bread?  A huge yeast infection!

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