Tuesday, September 1, 2015

You Can't Raise A Man And Your Children Too

As long as I live, I will never understand women that say they want a "man" but they tend to choose a male person that needs to be raised.  This is in addition to the children these women already have.  What's mind boggling for me is the fact that these "so-called" men need help in every aspect of their life.  I really mean EVERY aspect.  IF you have to tell a grown 30 year old man that he needs to shower EVERY day...ahhh that's a problem.  If this "man" sits up and plays video games with your kids all day or his friends....that's a problem.  If you have to have to give that man sleeping in YOUR bed money to get around with or put gas in YOUR car.  that's a problem.

All the while your children are watching this unfold and you wonder why your kids are out of control?  They figure, if my mom allows a man to come in over us and take from my mom and us, why should we respect him or her.  Now, that's NOT an excuse for your child to be disrespectful of their parent, ever!  But if you as a woman can't distinguish between a man or a boy then let me make it simple for you.  A M.A.N. means Meets All Needs whereas a B.O.Y. means Burden On You.  Just think about it.  If you have a man living in your house that isn't contributing to it financially and helping to give structure to your children nor even helping to keep the place clean, why is he there?  If it's for the physical comfort...you can get that anywhere and not ever have to bring it home.  Why should you be struggling and then bring someone else in to increase your struggle.  By the way selling drugs out of your home isn't contributing because he just put your life and your kids life in jeopardy.

As a mom, being given the opportunity to bring a child into this world is the greatest gift that God could give you.  It IS your responsibility to keep that child safe, to nurture and teach him/her, to support them and expose them to the endless opportunities that are available to help them be productive citizens.

If you can't find a MAN to be the support and help mate that you and your kids need, then you might consider not pushing so much to "get" a man that's ultimately will be aurden on you but to instead put focus on yourself and your family.  It's hard enough to get your kids into the habit of bathing, brushing teeth, using deodorant, washing and wearing clean clothes, cleaning their room and/or the kitch.  AND now you have to tell the person sharing your bed these things too?!  Say what?!!!  This is NOT the way that relationship should go.  You shouldn't have to be on your kids and your man too about the same things.  By the way, if you are claiming to have a "date night" and it only happens when YOU get paid, then that's not a date night.  I'm just saying, how can you say he's taking you out for date night with your money, driving your car and paying for the meal with your money.  Get a grip and get strong.  Stop allowing yourself to be used for a 30 second "feel good" feeling and when you come down from that, you still have bills to pay and another mouth to feed.  Raise your children, not someone else.  Apparently, you didn't get the memo!

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